Does your community group want to participate in a Trauma and the First World War workshop?

As part of the closing events of the First World War centenary, Hidden Histories have been running a series of trauma and the First World War workshops for community researchers. The idea has been to encourage NHLF First World War Then and Now community researchers to integrate issues in relation to the long-term effects of trauma into their World War One community history projects.

Our project has been awarded a little bit of extra funding from the University of Nottingham School of Medicine to offer a couple more trauma and the First World War workshops, ideally to audiences or in locations that the team have yet to visit. These are likely to be locations such as the South coast and/or the North of England. We are looking for community venues and groups who might like to participate. In terms of the session itself, we would need:

  • A room with PowerPoint facilities for two hours
  • A group of participants
  • The session to run before the end of 2019.

However, apart from that the session would be free of charge, and the group would have the choice of either the a) trauma and the First World War workshop, or b) the trauma, women and the First World War workshop (where the focus is more on gender history). Every participant gets a free copy of the ‘Shell Shock Stories and Beyond: Research Guide and Bibliography’ as part of attending the session.  If you are interested in a workshop, please contact: and