The Centre for Hidden Histories is proud to announce a call for funding for community co-production projects that would begin in early 2017 and be complete by 31 December 2017.
As one of the five AHRC First World War Engagement Centres, the CHH can provide funding to support academic members of its research network working with community partners to develop projects related to the centenary of the First World War.
Grants will normally be for no more than £15,000. There will be no more than seven or eight awards made.
Applications must be led by and submitted by a university-based academic; non-academic groups may not submit applications independently.
To qualify for funding, projects should involve substantial engagement in research activities which require a significant input of time and/or other research resources. The Centre is looking to fund high-quality research activities and outputs co-produced by academic researchers and their community partner(s). Proposals that link several of communities, community groups or cultural partnerships will also be welcomed.
Priority in this additional call will be given to projects that diversify engagement in centenary activities, including, for example, engagement with minority or marginalised groups in society, including BAME, and/or projects that seek to uncover hidden narratives or that strengthen the coverage of under-represented or hidden narratives or unheard/disregarded voices relating to the centenary.
Details of the engagement centres can be found here, and information about research network membership can be found on individual centre websites.
Projects must be led by members of the academic research network but must also address needs or opportunities identified and agreed with the community partner(s) and must provide evidence of the support of those partner(s).There is no requirement under this additional call for projects to build on existing HLF projects although connections with HLF projects will be welcomed.
Advice for academic researchers on public engagement activity can be found on National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement’s website. The articles on co-inquiry and engaging the public as researchers may be particularly helpful in developing applications:
- Call announced: 1st August 2016
- Application deadline: midday on 3rd October
- Decisions made: 1st November
- Projects notified: 16th November
- Projects begin in 2017 to be completed by 31st December 2017
Funding can only be held by eligible UK based Research Organisations. In practice this means awards can only be held by Universities, or by a small number of organisations recognised by the AHRC as Independent Research Organisations (IROs), such as museums and galleries. Community partners cannot apply independently in their own right for Research Council Funding, or be paid directly for their activities by the Research Councils.
Funding is available for any activity that is directly related to the research project being proposed. This can include activity undertaken or delivered by community partners, but only where this is clearly related to the delivery of the research project. Funding is not available for community partners to continue to deliver their core business, and funds cannot be used outside the dates of the award itself.
Applications should be costed at 100% full economic costs but funding will only be provided by the AHRC through the engagement centre for 80% of the full economic costs. In authorising the application the lead applicant’s research organisation (along, where appropriate, with other project partner research organisations) must commit to meeting the remaining 20% full economic costs of the project.
All applications will be assessed by a funding panel appointed by the Centre, and including experts in the study of the First World War period, and in working with community groups.
Assessment Criteria
All applications will be judged according to the engagement centres’ shared Assessment Criteria which can be found here. Please consult this carefully when preparing your application.
Queries may be directed to