This, the second of Manchester Metropolitan University’s two evening sessions to mark the centenary of the momentous events in Russia in 1917, will be led by Dr. Catherine Danks.

At the beginning of the First World War in 1914 the warring peoples and nations of Europe were each consumed by their own fanatical patriotism. They saw the war as an opportunity to test their virility. A major outpouring of Russian patriotism, fed by the vast machinery of Tsarist propaganda, reached its climax between the outbreak of the war and the abdication of the Tsar in February/March 1917. The attempts to persuade the Russian people to support the war effort were made through such innocuous tools of media as photographs, prints, post cards and even paper toys.
Dr. Catherine Danks, Senior Lecturer in History at the Manchester Metropolitan University, is a specialist in Russian Studies, working on Russia-related aspects of a major historical project Hidden Histories of World War One. An active member of the Manchester-St. Petersburg Friendship Society, she has intimate knowledge of St. Petersburg historical archives.
Thursday, May 11, 2017, 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Room G 33, Lecture Theatre 4 (Ground Floor)
The Business School and the Student Hub
Manchester Metropolitan University
Admission Free, but a donation of £2 in aid of the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity will be greatly appreciated.
Free car parking under the Mancunian Way, behind the business School and the Student Hub. Entrance through Chester Street.